Saturday, November 22, 2008

The past is the past....

I am finally home for Thanksgiving break. It is really nice not having to worry about homework...but that gives me plenty of time to think about anything and everything else. The topic of choice today is the past. I have been reading this really awesome book called Alive in Christ by Robert L Millet. Its really amazing! i would highly recommend it to any one. Reading this book is really what has triggered thinking about the past. He gives this beautiful imagery of becoming reborn through Christ. My favorite so far is the example of a butterfly. We don't stop and say oh what a lovely converted worm which is indeed what it is. Instead we see it for what it is. It has just made me think about what i was before and what i am now. I think in many ways who i was and who i am are polar opposites. Not saying that I'm some perfect person by any means but i do believe that what i have become is so much more beautiful then what i was. Repentance is a really amazing thing!!! How lucky are we to have the opportunity to change our lives. We can realize what we want in life and go for it. He also says that we should remember the past only as a reminder of our growth. Christ made it so that we can repent and become a new person and I'm so grateful!

Just kind of as a side note... After thinking about my past today i looked through a lot of my old stuff like yearbooks. I really do miss those times. i had a good life and good friends and good memories (some that i re-lived today). It always brings a smile to my face to remember where i have been and it helps me keep in mind that i have so much ahead of me and SSSOOO much can happen in what seems like no time at all. It makes me want to take everything for what it is worth. I want to take advantage of every moment and cherish it!

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