Wednesday, April 28, 2010

To my twinner

So, my wonderful amazing twinner Kelcie has decided to move home for the summer. And she is leaving on FRIDAY! this is our last little bit together until next fall!!! It is so weird to think about!!! She has kind of been my security blanket in Salt Lake! We always kinda played off each other and became known as the Kelsey's. I probably would not be where I am today with out her! I guess it is time for me to be a big girl and do life on my own! It will be pretty weird not having her here. So Kels, heres to our many wonderful days and nights living the dream in Salt Lake! It may be a long summer without you! but it will make Fall just that much better! Life changes SSOOO quickly!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Who's a giant grumpy pants raise your hand!!!!


patience--whats that?
kindness--out the window
happy and cheerful--only in short spurts throughout the day
tolerance--good joke!

I don't know what my deal is but I am just not a people person today. Like everyone and everything is getting on my nerves. I need an attitude adjustment. I want to be alone but then when I am alone I hate it and just want to be with people. I am bi polar or something.

Friday, April 16, 2010


I have come to feel some what obligated to update my blog. I mean hasnt been too long since I last updated it...but i just had this like nagging feeling.... you have a blog you need to update it. Not to mention the fact that whenever I get on to see if someone has updated their blog, I am always disappointed if no one has updated. Therefore, a feeling of obligation.

So, nothing is really new.... I can't decide if thats a good thing or a bad thing. Most of the time I am feeling ok about my Dad. Of course I miss him like crazy. I still have my moments that are really hard, but I have been very blessed with the gospel and a knowledge of my Heavenly Fathers plan. It definitely makes the hard times easier to deal with.

Life has kind of become a routine for me. But strangely I am kind of ok with it. I go to work, I come home, I go to bed, I get up and go to work. No cute boys to think about.... The thing i look forward to the most is sleeping in on Saturday. But (maybe sadly) I am content with life for the most part. I feel like I am where I am supposed to be doing what i am supposed to be doing. What more can you ask for right?

Right now I am crossing my fingers that I will get a teaching contract at my school. It seems pretty up in the air still. I REALLY love my school. I love the kids, the other teachers, the people I work with, everything! I feel like I need to be there. And i guess if i do need to be there it will work out so that I am. I also need to find a job for the summer. I have NO idea what I am going to do yet. I have applied a few places and am just crossing my fingers. I thought about teaching summer school, but I dont think i will make enough money.

I get to babysit my 3 favorite kiddos in the whole world tomorrow!!! My brother in laws sister is getting married, so i get to watch my niece and nephews while they are in the temple. In a way it is convenient. but sometimes i wonder if it will ever be me IN the temple instead of being the one outside watching the kids. Going to weddings always makes me want to get married....and then i really think about it and i realize I am not ready to get married, no matter how bad i may want to get married! Haha....maybe someday....

Any way...enough randomness for now....until next time.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Depends on the Day car randomly decided to FREAK out today... I was driving along and i KNOW for a FACT my gas thing said i had half a tank but all of the sudden it started dinging at me because it said I had low fuel. AND the temperature gage decided to freak as well and switched back and forth between all the way cold to right in the middle. it would switch about every five seconds. So I got to my friends house and parked and just prayed it would be ok. I asked a few people what i should do and none of them really had a definitive answer. So when I left to come home I just hoped it would be ok. and it was. BUT the whole scary nerve racking event really really really really made me miss my Daddy. He was always the first one I would call about anything to do with my car. He knew the answers to all my problems. I wanted to call him. My first thought was to call him..... and oddly enough (its probably psychological) I didn't get an answer from any one else. No one else could give me the answer i needed or wanted because it wasn't from my dad. Most of the time I do ok in dealing with my dad's passing....but it is moments like this that i REALLY miss him.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

A Daddy...

I couldn't sleep last night so i just started writing down memories of my dad and I. It may not make a lot of sense because i just wrote and it was late...but here you go. Each part is a memory I have of my dad.

A Daddy...

A daddy's love is unexplainable
When he first holds you, he already loves you.
He is already proud of you.
He is already worried about you and wants what's best for you.

A daddy is the one that checks under the bed for monsters.
He makes sure that you will always be safe.
He teaches you things he doesn't even realize he is teaching you...
Like smacking your lips after you take a big drink.

A daddy gives you earthquakes
Even if you say it bugs you, it really doesn't
He tickles you until you can't breath
Just so he can see you smile and hear you laugh

A daddy teaches you how to hammer a nail.
He says "You did great!" even if he fixes it later.
He teaches you how to fish.
He lets you reel in the fish he caught, and lets you claim it as your own. (even if it is the biggest catch of the day)

A daddy comes to all your little plays and performances.
He knows how much it means to you.
He's the one behind the camera taking pictures of everything.
It's kind of embarrassing, but you'll thank him later.

A daddy is the one you call when you wreck the car.
It takes you a few minutes to get the guts to call him.
You think he is going to be mad,
but all that is important to him is that you are ok.

A daddy teaches you how to drive his beat up stick shift truck.
Even though he can't talk and is still sore from surgery.
Even though he got an earthquake of his own!
He does it just because you randomly decided you wanted to learn.

A daddy comes to your college graduation,
even though its hard for him to sit that long.
Just from the look in his eyes, you know he has never been more proud of you.
He doesn't need to say it. You already know.

A daddy may get upset with you.
It's not because he doesn't love you.
In fact, its because he DOES love you.
You may not like to admit it, but you learn from it and love him for it.

He may make you crazy.
You will probably think he is trying to ruin your life.
But a daddy wants what's best for you.
A daddy loves you more than you may ever realize.

A daddy is your hero.