Well the survey I took yesterday kinda sorta summed up my year.. in a way... but i wanted to do one more special farewell to 2009.
This year......I really dont have words to describe.... it started off to be what seemed like the WORST year of my life. I have a previous post that describes this point in my life pretty well. I broke up with my first boyfriend, I was beyond stressed with school and feeling SUPER intimidated about continuing on to do my student teaching, my grandma passed away (I took it much worse then I thought I would. I went a week that I cried at least once a day... and good HARD cry), and to top it all off my Dad was diagnosed with Oral Cancer.
By April of this year I thought my life was in shambles and I was pretty much miserable. I decided to take a job at the Day Care that i worked at the summer before (I hated it then... I think i was determined to make myself miserable) But it ended up being on of the best things i could have done. I LOVED working there. There were a bunch of new girls mostly my age and we all got pretty close! I actually enjoyed going to work because it was the only time in my life that i could forget about my worries and focus on something else.
All in all I really did have an awesome summer! Katelyn and I made a big trip to Seattle. I want to go back SSSOOO bad!!!! I also drove back to Milwaukee with my sister and her two kids. Three full days in a van packed full with a 5 year old a 2 year old and a pregnant lady.... Doesnt sound like much fun but believe me it WAS!! I will NEVER forget some of the memories we made on that trip!
Since the beginning of this year i knew, more than anything, i just really needed a BIG change in my life. I hated Idaho.( I still do) I had a lot of bad memories there. A lot of things that kind of haunted me if i was going to stay there. I knew that my life in Idaho wasn't going to go any where. I felt like I wouldnt get any where near the goals i wanted to accomplish if i stayed there.
In August I packed up all my junk and moved to Utah. I can HONESTLY say it is the BEST decision I have ever made! I had felt like I needed to be in Salt Lake ever since my friend got married here over a year before. I still don't really know why I need to be here but I know its what I need. I love it here! I love all the fun stuff there is to do, the friends i have made, the ward I am in and most of all the growth i have made as a person.
Also...something important to mention is my GRADUATION!!! I walked in Graduation in July so that I didnt have to go back to Rexburg when I was done. BUT i am now an official college grad!!! official official! Like my degree is posted by BYU-I and everything! My name was in the program this time! (It wasnt when i walked cuz i hadnt finished my student teaching)
2009... what seemed to be the worst year of my life turned out to be one of my favorite years of my life so far. It was HARD. There were very miserable times... but I think I have done the most maturing and learning i have ever done. I have grown closer to my Heavenly Father and allowed myself to trust him so much more. And realized how much he blesses you align your life to what he wants for you. Good-bye 2009!!! I will never forget you!!!
Random side note... when I realized today was New Years Eve I kinda panicked because in my brain its like the wonderful year is over... And everything is going to change tomorrow!!! Which is silly because it really is just another day...haha
No Longer a Nomad
15 years ago
1 comment:
You're amazing Kelsey! I'm sure 2010 will be even better!
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