Tuesday, May 4, 2010

On my mind....

I feel like this life is full of turning points, points in that you have to make a choice to either turn TO Heavenly Father or turn away from him. Really, I guess what is what life is all about. It's something I have been thinking a lot about since my dad died. I very easily could have chosen to turn away from Heavenly Father, used this as an excuse to blame Him and say it's all His fault. Had I done that, I would still be absolutely miserable. And would be for a long time to come. Thankfully, I knew where to turn. I knew who to trust. Not to say dealing with death is not hard, but knowing what I know, and having the gospel background made it so much easier. Even though I feel some of the deepest pain and sorrow (even a month later), I am also able to feel some of the deepest joys and happiness. Whenever I get sad and miss my dad I think about where he is and what he is doing now! It's amazing to think about. He is healthy now, and happy! He is doing the Lords work! My te stimony of the atonement has grown to new heights. Our Savior died not just to allow us to repent, but to heal us. And to help us in ways that I am sure I probably don't even realize yet. Before all of this I thought I knew that Heavenly Father loved us. During this turning point in my life I have never felt his love SSSOOOO strong. It is probably the most humbling thing to realize someone loves you that much. Even (maybe especially) when you feel like you don't deserve it. And to think that is just a tiny glimpse of his love for us. It is also humbling to have hundreds of people care so much about you and pray for you. I have really grown through this experience. It's funny to me how, if you let it, one trial can teach you MANY MANY things. Almost as many things as you let it! If you don't let it teach you, it can ruin you.


The Stewart said...

Amazing, Kels! You have such a strong testimony. Thank you for sharing it!!

Unknown said...

lots of love--aunt liz