Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Do you realize the impact you have?

Just as a warning, I may sound kind of angry....but thats because I am! Well maybe not angry....but frustrated. This is something that has been on my mind a lot lately. Do you realize the impact that you have on someone else? I mean if you think about it, really, I'm sure none of us TRULY realize the impact we have. We may not realize what smiling at someone else will do for them. It may not connect with us that when you held the door for someone else it totally made their day. That is connected to, but is not my point.

For Example, there is this adorable little boy in my class. He really has a hard time in school, its not something that comes easily to him. Not to mention the fact that he has a really hard home life. While he is in school you can tell he has a million other things racing through his head and can't focus. He often mentions how much he loves his dad and loves spending time with him. I came to find out recently that his dad is in prison. Then everything clicked for me. I can tell that this little boy is ACHING for his father. He wants nothing more than to come home and be able to be with his Dad. Not having that is really taking a toll on the rest of his life. I ask again, Do you really know the impact you have on someone?

It completely and utterly breaks my heart to see this little boy. Now, don't get me wrong. I dont mean to say that his father is a terrible person and doesn't care about his son. That is not my judgment to make. I just wonder if this boys father knows how important he is to him. Does he see that this little boy needs a father? I think a lot of us (especially me) take or took advantage of having both parents there all the time. I never had to feel the way this little boy feels. The mother/teacher/woman in me just wants to fix it for this little boy and make it all better. I know that his academics would improve so much if he had a good solid roll model that was THERE with him, pushing him towards the ultimate goal. I know for a fact that this little boy has people in his life pushing him and loving him and helping him, but I just see what an important roll parents play in their kids lives.Children are pretty much my life, if you can't tell. I have this unexplainable love for them. They make me happier than anything else in this world. It just kills me when I see they are having a hard time.

Random side note, it makes me think about my future children. It makes me realize (even more so) the importance of being involved in your kids life. It makes me realize how important it is for me to find someone that will be a good father to my children. Someone that they can rely on and someone that is a big part of their lives.

Secondly, it makes me appreciate my wonderful parents. They have supported and do support me in everything! It's a little different now that I am older, but knowing I have their support still gives me that much more confidence to achieve. Everyone needs that from one person or another!

Now to parents, YOUR CHILDREN NEED YOU! Coming from a teachers perspective, kids do 100 times better when they have home support! I really can't express the importance of parents in a child's life!!!


The Stewart said...

How true is that!? Jacob is only 18 months and I can already see how important that is 1000%!! Thanks for sharing Kels!

Tara said...

Isn't that so hard to see other kids aching for the home life that you had? I grew up going to elementary school with a lot of kids that had homes like that, and it wasn't until I was older that I really did appreciate everything that I was blessed with! And it also made me want to be strong for my kids and helped me to know that whoever I marry needs to be strong as well!

Marcia said...

This post shows how sensitive you are and what a good heart you have! Most people wouldn't even notice a lil guy like him, or they wouldn't care. A good thing, Kelsey, is that if we realize the impact that we have on someone else, we can try to have a good impact. No one can substitute his dad but I'm sure you can help a lot this boy to be happy and to become a good guy. Teachers can have a great impact on students! Think about that: you can make a difference, as a teacher and as a girl who has a great heart. :)