Sunday, September 6, 2009

Loving Salt Lake!

Well I have been student teaching for officially two weeks now! I can't believe how time has flown already!! I have begun to realize what a crazy job teaching is. It is SO much work!! A lot times I don't think people realize how much work it is! Including me!!

I started teaching math this last week. It has been SO hard for me! My students are extremely low. It was a ginormous struggle for me to get on their level. They really need SUPER simple and SUPER entertaining or they don't get it and don't pay attention. I spent the whole week trying to figure it out. My lesson on Friday was simply amazing! I really took it down in to pieces and did about half of what the book wanted me to do in one lesson and i made it interactive. My kids LOVED it! I had so many kids that were being apart of the discussion and interactions. It felt SO amazing to have done a lesson that they actually understood and could handle! I felt like a good teacher! I just hope my lessons keep going that well!

Other than that my student teaching has been a wonderful and amazing experience. I seriously LOVE Salt Lake so far. Its great! The boy selections is about 10 and a half million times better then that in Idaho.... Parts of me do miss Idaho...but I KNOW I'm supposed to be in Salt Lake! I was so ready to get out of Eastern Idaho and now that I have it has been AMAZING! Other than that I really dont have too much that is super exciting in my life. I have gone on a couple dates since I have been here. One was much better then the other! but yeah! Life is good!


Dee said...

Yeah! I'm glad you're surviving! Do you think you'll stay down there after you finish student teaching?

The Stewart said...

Good job! You are and will be an amazing teacher. And of course you would have tons of dates. How could you not!