Sunday, February 7, 2010


This is my blog dedicated to the one and only Katelyn. This girl is one of my favorite people on this entire planet. As cheesy as it is, she completes me. She can make me laugh like NO one else can! She thinks I am funny! Which is enough to make me like you right there.... For some reason, things that I have a hard time telling anyone else just come flying out of my mouth as if it were every day conversation. The best part is, we don't have to talk on the phone every day, we don't have to know EVERY detail of each others life but we are still best of friends. When we get together its like we have never been apart. We honestly couldn't be more opposite. We have both said that unless we were roommates we probably wouldn't even be friends. I really think it was meant to be, because we have become such good good friends. No one understands me like she does. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE needs a friend like Katelyn is to me!

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