So....hurray for me I bought my parents car from them. Little did I know the GIANT pain the butt it was going to be. My dad decided getting a loan from Idaho was a good idea..... Can I just tell you how hard it is to try and communicate with someone 300 miles away that will only talk to you Monday through Friday on the phone..... I don't even know when I am supposed to make my loan payment.... He still hasn't put the title in my name, so I can't even get my car registered.... I had a long weekend so I was hoping to get it all done this weekend but of course not! That would just be smart and convenient.
News flash: In my life smart and convenient things don't happen.
Having a car is SO much work. AND so much money. I had to get the windshield fixed, car inspections, car insurance, change my drivers license and THEN I can attempt to register my car. The stupid snow made it so that I couldn't get my windshield fixed until the afternoon, so I didn't get anything else done yesterday. There is so much more that I should have gotten done. I tried to call the insurance people today to get some quotes but there was only one open today and lucky me..... the insurance payment would be more than my car payment.....
Not to mention I have been getting letters from my student loans saying that i have to start repaying my loans at the end of June....which i also just found out that i have to find a new job for the summer..... other words I have to start paying my loans back when my current job ends..... Stressful?
ya think? I really am feeling the PAINS of growing up. Can't I just mooch of my parents forever? Oh yeah...thats right.... my parents have nothing TO mooch because they have hospital bills up to their eyeballs......
Man alive I am grouchy mc-grouchpot today. debbie downer..... I need to do something to cheer me up.
No Longer a Nomad
15 years ago
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